How much does it cost to file a trademark in France?

May 21, 2024 | Trademarks

The cost to file a trademark in France depends on the desired number of classes of goods or services you wish to cover as well as the type of mark (French national trademark, EU trademark, etc.).

In addition to the required filing fees, a prior trademark search and analysis is strongly recommended at the pre-filing stage, in order to verify whether a potential conflict may exist between your proposed trademark and any existing similar or identical marks. 

Here is the breakdown of our fees and legal filing taxes, depending on the type of trademark you wish to register.

Piggy bank to illustrate the cost to file a trademark in France

How much does it cost to file a French Trademark ?

To file a trademark in France, our firm’s fee is €300 (VAT excl.), i.e. €360 (VAT incl.), irrespective of the number of classes selected, and the filing fees with the Office are as follows: a base fee of €190 (which covers only one class of goods or services), and a fee of €40 per additional class of goods or services.

By way of example, to register a French national trademark in three classes of goods or services, the total cost would be €630 (our fee of €360 VAT incl. and Office fees of €270). 

Please note:

A French national Trademark is valid for 10 years. It can be renewed every 10 years, indefinitely.

To renew a French trademark, our firm’s fee is €300 (VAT excl.), i.e. €360 (VAT incl.), and the Office fees are as follows: €290 for a single class of goods or services and €40 per additional class.

Ask us for an estimate: contact us or make an appointment

How much does it cost to file a European Union (EU) Trademark ?

To file a European Union (EU) trademark, our firm’s fee is €750 (VAT excl.), i.e. €900 (VAT incl.), irrespective of the number of classes selected, and the filing fees with the Office are as follows: a base fee of €850 (which covers only one class of goods or services), a fee of €50 for the second class of goods or services, and €150 for the third class of goods or services or above.

By way of example, to file an EU trademark in three classes of goods or services, the total cost would be €1,950 (our fee of €900 VAT incl. and Office fees of €1,050). 

Please note:

An EU Trademark is valid for 10 years. It can be renewed every 10 years, indefinitely.

To renew an EU trademark, our firm’s fee is €750 (VAT excl.), i.e. €900 (VAT incl.) irrespective of the number of classes, and the Office fees are as follows: €850 for a single class of goods or services, a fee of €50 for the second class of goods or services, and €150 for the third class of goods or services or above.

Ask us for an estimate: contact us or make an appointment

How much does it cost to file an International Trademark?

The cost of filing an international trademark depends on the territories and the number of classes of goods and services covered. 

For an estimate, please contact us.

Costs for a prior trademark search

Before filing any trademark, it is advisable to conduct an in-depth prior rights search with the goal of identifying potential conflicts with prior right holders.

Our fees for conducting a prior rights search and analysis depend on the type of trademark and the number of goods and services it would cover, and generally varies between €500 and €1,500 euros (VAT excl.), for a search covering the French territory (i.e. between €600 and €1,800 VAT included).

For a detailed quotation, please contact us.

To learn more about existing trademark searches (also known as clearance searches) and other pre-filing steps we recommend, you can read our article on the topic here.

Photo credit : Braňo on Unsplash